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Of course it is important, but
Why is Financial Security important to you?

What would it mean in your life if you were
Financially Secure in your retirement?

Many respond that they would be independent and able to enjoy themselves because they would have peace of mind.

How would you feel if you were Financially Secure?

Relaxed? Confident? Prepared? Grateful?

What would be some concrete benefits you would enjoy if you were Financially Secure in your retirement?

Being able to maintain my retirement lifestyle
even if I live longer than expected,
or if markets and the economy suffer downturns,
are common benefits retirees describe enjoying.

Let's start by answering these questions to find out what you want from a Retirement Income Plan,
so that you end up feeling Financially Secure.


Given the choice between having an additional $250,000 in your IRA, money market or brokerage account,
or having an additional $3,000 in monthly income,
which would you choose?

Which would improve your retirement more?

More wealth or more lifetime income?


Just one in five retirees plan on spending down
any part of their nest egg while retired

And so 80% of retirees cheat themselves, at least a little.

Too many people die without having experienced 
most of the things they really wanted to do,
and never daring to spend any of their savings.  

They were so afraid of running out of money.

For many people, their Social Security benefits and pensions are the most valuable assets that they have.

Valuable because these are the only assets that
retirees truly feel free to use.

Retirees tend to spend all of their Social Security and pension income, because they know it is coming next month, and the next month and the next. Forever.

Retirees tend to take too little income from their "nest egg" because they are afraid of running out of money.

Would you rather have a "nest egg" of $750,000 and Social Security benefits of $36,000 annually, 
or a "nest egg" of $500,000 and Social Security
and pensions of $72,000 annually?


Increase your Financial Security by increasing the amount of guaranteed lifetime income you have.

Create your own personal pension. 

Other retirees say that they are enjoying their retirement more knowing that they have set an "income floor"
that they can always count on. A personal pension.

Academic studies also show that you can spend more when you know that you cannot outlive your income.

Do you want to explore allocating a portion of your
"nest egg" to lifetime income?

Start with this valuable information-

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